Add or Edit the Nurse Directory

In a laboratory environment, some facilities want to set up schedules (unit, room, bed) for its nurses. For a facility to do this, you must first create a nurse directory in CS Tools. After you create the directory, a lab administrator can log in to PowerConnect Actionable Findings Web and set up and assign nurses to different shifts and schedules.

NOTE: The Edit capability in this window allows you to edit only the name of the nurse directory, not the users in the directory. Use PowerConnect Actionable Findings Web to add, edit, or remove users from the nurse directory.

To add or edit a nurse directory:

1.  Click Institutions > Add/Edit Nurse Directory.

2.  From the Institution Name drop-down list, select the institution to which you want to add (or edit) the nurse directory.

3.  To add a nurse directory, type the name in the Directory Name field and click Save. The directory appears in the list in the Nurse Directory portion of the window.

4.  To edit an existing nurse directory name, click the Edit link and type your changes. Notice that the Edit link is replaced with an Update and a Cancel link.

5.  When finished changing the name, click Update to save your changes or Cancel to keep the original name.

6.  To delete an existing nurse directory, click the Delete link.  If there is any existing configuration associated with it, the directory will not be deleted (for example, having nurses added to the directory). If the directory cannot be deleted due to existing configuration, you will see the following message: